October is National Pharmacists’ Month, a time to spotlight the pharmacists across the country, and especially those at the Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy. Though we celebrate the work of our pharmacists daily, we’re taking the opportunity to commemorate their impact on health care. Our team of pharmaceutical experts specializes in men’s health and sexual health, a quality that positions them as essential in the fight against HIV and AIDS. Today, approximately 1.2 million individuals in the United States are living with HIV. As the primary liaisons for patients seeking care, our pharmacists play a key role in administering vital HIV drugs and guiding patients through a treatment plan. Since its beginnings in 2016, the MHF Pharmacy has worked to not only benefit each individual patient treated, but within the communities we serve throughout Los Angeles. To celebrate the MHF Pharmacy’s accomplishments, we are featuring Vishal Gandhi, PharmD, APh, our new Chief Pharmacy Officer. Alongside pharmacists Kim Curtin, PharmD, RPh, Dan Gannon, BS, RPh, AAHIVP, and Derek Brown, Vishal ensures that patients receive the highest quality of both accessible and individualized care. 

(Pharmacists of Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy, from left to right: Vishal Gandhi, PharmD, APh; Kimberly Curtin, PharmD, APh; Dan Gannon, B.S., R.Ph, AAHIVP; and Derek Brown.)

Vishal, what inspired you to join Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy as the new Chief Pharmacy Officer?

VG (Vishal Gandi): “Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy provides me with the opportunity to facilitate supportive and clinical services to a population with a variety of barriers to accessing care. I strive for better patient experiences, outcomes, and overall quality of life. I believe that in my role as Chief Pharmacy Officer at Men’s Health Foundation, I can make that happen.”

What sets the Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy apart from other pharmacies?

VG: “The members of the Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy team are what set it apart from other pharmacies. As a team, we internally set the bar high for ourselves. We have sought out independent auditors and accreditors to ensure we meet and exceed the toughest standards. The end goal of this self-scrutiny is to guarantee that our patients receive the highest level of care.”

The last decade has seen numerous advancements in HIV treatment, as evidenced by the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and the success of antiretroviral treatments for HIV+ individuals. How has this influenced your approach to caring for communities that are highly impacted by the HIV epidemic?

VG: “Initially, HIV care revolved around ensuring that viral counts were low or undetectable. Oftentimes, it took a trial-and-error approach to find different combinations, resulting in more significant side effects.   As a result, everything else became a secondary or tertiary concern. With the availability of more effective and reliable medications, pharmacists are now able to focus on the patient as whole again. Those secondary concerns can now be easily addressed as primary issues. 

How has the COVID pandemic altered your role as a pharmacist, and specifically as a pharmacist working within the field of HIV/AIDS?

VG: “Even with so much uncertainty around the COVID pandemic, my core role as a pharmacist within the field of HIV/AIDs has not shifted significantly. There has been more emphasis in keeping up with new information as it comes out in regards to COVID and its impact on HIV patients as opposed to general updates related to our patient population. Our goal is to be a bit more proactive in obtaining that information so that we can address any concerns before they become significant issues.”

How can folks get in touch with Men’s Health Foundation Pharmacy, for questions or prescriptions?

VG: “Our pharmacy team strives to be as accessible as possible. Whether that be by phone, secure text, the RxLocal App or email, we are happy to communicate in whichever way our patients feel most comfortable. To speak with one of our pharmacists, call 310-205-0724 or download the RxLocal app, free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.”